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Time Out With Kevin Gallagher: October 2007

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Frank Zappa On Music Box 1984

I'm presenting another interview that the great late Frank Zappa did with the now defunct UK show Music Box.

In this interview, Mr. Zappa tells MUSIC BOX, a British video channel, about classical music, nuclear war, how business will prevent wars, distribution deal with EMI, lawsuits against Warner and CBS, hatred in the rest of the world vs. non-hatred in the US(?).

Music Box aired from the EMI studios in the U.K.

The interview is very interesting and Zappa was way ahead of his time, speaking on the true geo-political structure and its implications.

Description taken (and slightly modified) from:


Friday, October 26, 2007

Frank Zappa Crossfire In March 1986

This is an amazing appearance on Crossfire by the late great Frank Zappa. This guy was way ahead of his time and I would love to know how he saw how our lives would be now in 2007 back in 1984.

You'll notice very quickly that it came to be three against one on the program that evening in 1986 and Mr. Zappa more than held his own. He had a 170 I.Q. and was asked by the government of Czechoslavokia to aid them in setting up their economic policies.
